UK Blue 2.0

Friday, April 4, 2008

Weeks Nine and Ten Photos, Images, Podcasting, Video

So I am a little behind but I would like to have this finished by the deadline, although the staff has been kind enough to extend it. Nevertheless I will be blogging my experiences while I am actually experiencing them! Basically, I am blogging while doing the activities instead of after having completed them because I have two sets to conquer. It should be noted that I have enjoyed what I have completed so far. The Flickr activity was simple since I had a Yahoo account. I uploaded a picture of “pineapple literature” that was taken while on vacation in Hawaii a few years back. Obviously it is not a great photo but I am not a great photographer, so bear with me. Here is where that can be found:

I have a relative who uses one of these services to send pictures of her kids, so I do have some familiarity with it and perhaps will continue posting pictures. I just don’t take photos that often so I imagine I will forget that I have Flickr before the next round of pictures is taken. But you never know!
The next activity is Podcasting. This is such a complicated procedure! Of the three activities given this time, this is the one of which I have the least knowledge. However, I have enjoyed listening to the podcasts and learning more about them. I have listened to some of the ones people in the Blue 2.0 program have posted and I must say I am impressed! I have also looked on the Internet and it’s amazing how much stuff is out there.
I do enjoy Youtube so I found this activity to be enjoyable. I used “libraries” as a search term and found a wide variety of material. I saw how libraries are using this popular medium to promote and explain its services, as well as for other purposes. I saw demonstrations of “chat reference” as well as promotions for ALA. I was pleased with what I found. Yet for mine I am choosing a Sesame Street clip about libraries only because it amuses me. I can sympathize with the librarian and the lack of communication between him and the “patron.”


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